Wednesday 17th April a group of students attended Liverpool Town Hall for school Parliament, where this terms topic was split up into 2 sections. One section we were looking at how we would describe the area we live in, what we would like in our home, and what we would like to be better or introduced into our communities.

The second part of the parliament was lego play where the students had to use 7 bricks to build something hey would like to see in their communities. For this activity Alsop joined with another school from the other end of the city and they had to work together to build their own little community in lego. All the students Thomas Kennard, James Pennock, Porscha-Mae Fairclough (who wanted to stand up and discuss what she would like in her community to make it better) and Ben Carrigan were all well behaved and represented Alsop High School in a mature and professional manner.