We want to acknowledge the hard work from our students, who were involved with NOW Festival 2024. We had a fantastic evening representing Alsop High School, students were well behaved throughout.

It was our first year of entering the competition and I am so proud of them achieving an award for best performance for 'Hope'. There were some fantastic performances of the evening on day 1 and to be recognised and get an award is an outstanding achievement for our students. They all worked really hard, they put everything into the performance and what we achieved in a small time frame is a credit to the students as well as Mr Stelfox and Mr and Goulding. They should all be extremely proud. 

Please look out for Alsop on social media - Instagram when MYA (Merseyside Youth Association) post all performances from last night and we will hopefully be able to upload our performance onto the website for you all to watch.  

Bring on next year's NOW festival 2025.... thinking X Factor !!!!!