Getting Involved Together

The School Standards and Framework Act 1998 requires all schools to adopt a Home-School Agreement. The agreement is not a contract, but it is intended to be a statement of the mutual responsibilities of parents/carers, students and teachers.

At Alsop High School, parents play a crucial role in the partnership of learning. The Home-School Agreement incorporates our Aims, Values and Vision to ensure all students are learning in a secure, happy environment, where both home and school are working together to support the child.

We will:

• help your child to reach their potential

• provide an environment which supports a high level of achievement

• contact parents/carers if there is a problem with attendance, punctuality or equipment

• let parents/carers know about any concerns or problems which affect their child’s work or behaviour

• send home regular assessments and an annual report of achievement

• set, mark and monitor homework

• arrange parent’s evening and review days, to discuss progress

• keep parents/carers informed about school activities

We ask you to:

• ensure your child goes to school regularly and on time

• contact the school to explain any absences

• ensure your child has the correct equipment, including a bag, to support their studies • let the school know about any concerns or problems, which may affect work

• support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour

• check your child’s planner and ensure homework is completed

• attend parent’s evenings and review days • keep us informed of address or phone number changes • get to know about your child’s life at school. For your child to succeed, we need your support and agreement